
Power of color in Web Designing

In Web Designing colors are very important in defining things .Did you know about the power of color combination in web designing rules to generate instant opinion about you and your offerings? You think, how it can be possible that only colors can make visitors make opinions but it is true. The opinion is formed before the visitor has read a single word on your site. The quality and selection of pictures and images on the web page won't make any difference either. It doesn't even matter if what you're offering is really great, and is at a fantastically attractive price. The instant opinion is formed as soon as your web page appears in your visitor's browser.

Colors mean different things to different people and can symbolise different things in different cultures. Similarly, each color has a different meaning behind it which is subjective and relative to each user’s past experience.Take the color red for instance, it could mean different things to different people based on their histories and associations with the color. It could mean a source of extreme pleasure for one and symbolise anger for another.

On the upside, websites created with different shades of blue or a blue-white combination are generally quite popular. Why? Blue typically represents a sense of calm, trust and security besides being easy on the eye.However, using bright blue or bright of any color is a bad idea since the human eye will need to adjust to each color and it will put unneeded strain on their eyes.Consider Newton’s first law – every action must have an equal and opposite reaction. For each color that you choose, there will be a different reaction to it by every user approaching that site.

What is it that can attract the visitors on your website?

The answer is colors. Visitors form an opinions based on the color scheme you use on your page.This is why companies spend millions on getting exactly the right the colors for their products and marketing. They understand the psychology of color, and make sure they are using the appropriate colors as per their business propositions. The reason why this is important for you and everybody who is part of web designing world is that the same color psychology applies to our corporate websites. On web pages there are some color combinations which will have visitors clicking away from the page very quickly. Which would a bad sign if your page is selling a product on website, and you want your visitors to read your compelling sales copy!
The key for your website success is to make sure your color scheme is consistent with proposition of the main theme of the web site. If the subconscious mind of your visitor has trouble in reconciling the mixed message, they won't even try. And you will lose that valuable visitor. The colors on your website have the power to mean the difference between profit and loss.
In the business world, different colors define different fields. Colors have different culture and different meaning in the overseas market. A web planner has to acquire all the knowledge regarding these colors, and make the perfect choice of color while designing web pages for any specific product or a theme like banks or corporate houses.
Designing is the challenge in web world for the web designer. Web site design differs from designing printing materials like Brochures, books or any kind of other materials. There are technical differences along with its planning and concept in the two worlds, print world and the web world. But in both the world, colors play an important role. In the print world the color is restricted to CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) model. But screen has the support of RGB (red, green and blue) model, which has a huge collection of colors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is a very nice blog.
